Well Dad and Maddie know all about this film since I made them watch it during my recent visit, but few people know just how much I love this awesome film! But that's beside the point. The point of this post is to announce that the choreographer from the play I was in last summer is directing an
independent version of "Picture of Dorian Gray" and asked if I would be Sybil Vane. So basically I'm
ecstatic. I love this movie and I love the part of Sybil. The director from the same play from last summer is also in this film and I get to play some scenes with her so that's wonderful. This adaptation of Dorian is a dance drama. So it's kind of like a
Victorian version of Chicago. The real world is the real world and the things that happen in Dorian's mind are dances. I only have one dance in the show but that's good because I'm a horrid dancer. Last night was my first
rehearsal of the dance I do with Dorian. In the story Dorian is influenced by his less than upstanding friend to ask his sweetheart Sybil Vane to spend the night with him. While Dorian isn't so sure it's a good idea he agrees to do it. So Sybil (me) goes over to Dorian's house and when he asks me to spend the night that's when we have our little seduction dance. It shows the reluctance on both of our parts as well as Dorian's desires and my wish to not lose him. It's a wonderful dance and I really love the entire depiction of the scene. Kevin is such a great director to work with and Taylor (Dorian) is a gem. I didn't feel at all stupid trying to learn the dance or speak with a british accent because he was just so nice about it. We aren't scheduled to start shooting my scenes until October 13
th, but after that I should be all wrapped up by the end of October. I know Kevin (the director) is planning on submitting it to some festivals but I'm not sure which ones. Either way I will definitely let you guys know what's going on and I'll try to take some pictures on the 13
th. Wish me luck with my horrible British accent! Oh and here's the link for the movie website... keep in mind that Dorian doesn't look nearly as young now as he did when he took the picture so I don't look like I'm being seduced by someone half my age.